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Watery Theme for Jekyll 🚰

A minimalist, bare-bones theme for Jekyll only using the Water.css framework while still following the best practices possible for accessibility and search-engine optimization.

Creating a Contingency Plan

Posted: October 28, 2020 #Planning #Productivity #Writing
Failure is Important Last month, I had the idea to write an article each day for the month. How long did that last? Only five days. No matter how you look at it, that is failure. And it’s not just about the fact I didn’t manage to beat the challenge, it’s more about the principle of the matter. ...

My Writing Process

Posted: October 27, 2020 #Productivity #Planning #Writing
Five Steps to Go From Brainstorming to Completed Work Let’s get down to the bare bones to start with: Prepare yourself and focus. Brainstorm and allow yourself to have bad ideas. Outline a thesis. Draft and edit. Cut the non-essential. Now, let’s expand on these ideas… Today is the third day of...

Disrupting the Attention-based Economy

Posted: October 26, 2020 #Productivity #Habits
When you wake up in the morning and get out of bed — or even before you get out of bed — what’s the first thing that grabs your attention? Whatever it is, it’s going to be responsible for your first thoughts of the day. Throughout the rest of your day, you’ll be faced with a bombardment of distra...

The Duality of Purpose and Work

Posted: October 25, 2020 #Purpose #Inspiration
PART ONE: HAVING FAITH IN GRAND DREAMS. Understanding the why of the work is the most important thing that’s needed when starting out. It’s so easy to become discouraged when you’re in the the thick of the weeds, when you need to do difficult or tedious. Motivation and discipline to do such work ...
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